Batman Xavier Cat-Woman

You’ll notice there are no commas in the title. That’s because it’s not the names of three different superheroes, it’s the full name of one very special superhero. That is Siloam’s creation, because being just Batman or just Cat-Women isn’t enough. And anyway, who says you can’t mix superheroes. And if someone does say it, who cares.

One of the things I really like about Siloam is that he doesn’t seem to acknowledge limitations, anything is possible. And that is exactly what I want my kids to believe. Some of you may have recently seen a photo of Siloam wearing a dress and been confused. The simple answer is that I let Siloam express himself however he wants. The long answer is more complicated but eventually lands at the same place.

I get irritated with the labeling that goes on in our society. I don’t know why everyone is so quick to attach one to themselves, maybe it’s to feel like they belong to something. But in my opinion all it does is further segregate us. In this situation it’s gender and gender roles. Chinese students often have trouble with English pronouns. That’s because in Chinese there is just one word, “ta”. Some people have been confused about Siloam wearing a dress but to me it’s just clothes. In our culture, girls aren’t told they can’t wear “boy” clothes. I can’t actually think of one thing that girls are told they can’t wear. And why is that? Because we want to teach our girls that they can be anything they want. But why do they have to be taught that? Women are often admired for doing something usually done by men and praised for showing strength or power. But those aren’t traits exclusive to men. Why are girls told it’s a sign of strength to do “manly” things and boys told it’s a sign of weakness to do “girly” things. One isn’t better than the other. And their characteristics shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. “Girly man” or “Tomboy” shouldn’t be the exceptions to the rule. I think the healthiest thing is to have a balance.

If you are lucky enough to get to spend time with my kids you may hear Siloam’s brother or sisters using she/her instead of he/him. I ask you to please not make a big deal of it. Siloam likes to explore and experience all kinds of things. And sometimes he wants to know what it’s like to be a girl. In those times, if you are having trouble using the pronouns she/her then I suggest just saying Siloam.

If you still have questions or comments about this, please contact me directly. I prefer not to use the comments section or social media to discuss this. Thanks.

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